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Unlock Hidden Value: How AI Transforms Old Content into New Opportunities

Unlock Hidden Value How AI Transforms Old Content into New Opportunities

We all have a wealth of content within our businesses, sometimes without even realising it! Yet, most of us only scratch the surface of its potential. For example, writing a blog and not doing anything else with it. Instead of letting your hard work gather dust, why not leverage the power of AI to breathe new life into it and help make your content go further increasing your visibility but decreasing your effort?

Repurposing content not only maximises its value but also ensures you’re consistently engaging with your audience in fresh and impactful ways.

Enter the magic of repurposing with AI!

I’m going to share five ways AI can help you transform your existing content into fresh, exciting pieces for various platforms.

What if I told you that you could…

  • Save time
  • Reduce stress
  • And still, create engaging content

Is that a resounding yes please I hear!

The Importance of Transforming Your Existing Content

The reality is that most of us are sitting on a goldmine of content already and instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with a few well-planned prompts, why not let AI help you put your content to good use?

Why I think repurposing content is so crucial?


Maximise Effort: You’ve already put in the hard work to create valuable content. Repurposing allows you to get more mileage out of it because the key to marketing is saying the same things again and again but in different ways.

Reach Different Audiences: Not everyone consumes content in the same way. Some prefer reading blogs, others enjoy watching videos or listening to podcasts.  I’m a reader or video watcher myself, I like to speed up the playback!

Repurposing helps you reach a broader audience.

Boost SEO: More content means more opportunities for search engines to find and rank you.

Maintain Consistency: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

To find out how I repurposed my client’s signature course click here.

I was so impressed that Jacqueline had taken my content and my ideas and with her knowledge of AI created and updated and improved version of my course” Dixie

Now that we’ve covered why repurposing is essential, as promised let’s look at the 5 Ways AI can make this process easier and more efficient for you.

 1. Turning Blog Posts into Social Media Snippets

This is one that we all know and should already be doing with any long form content we create.  You’ve written a comprehensive blog post on Building a Strong Email List. for example. This piece is packed with valuable insights but might be too lengthy for a quick social media scroll. Here’s where AI steps in.

How It Works:

AI Tools: Platforms like ChatGPT, Claude or Marketing Magic App can summarise your blog post into bite-sized snippets perfect for social media, you can ask it to create carousel content.

Customisation: These tools allow you to tailor the tone and style to fit different platforms—more formal for LinkedIn, and casual for Instagram.

You can also ask AI to turn your blog into a video script for YouTube shorts!

By using AI to break down your long-form content into digestible pieces, it makes it so much easier for you to maintain a consistent presence on social media without spending hours crafting individual posts.

2. Transforming Webinars, Courses into Blog Posts

Have you hosted a webinar recently? If so, you’re literally sitting on a goldmine of content that can be repurposed.

How It Works:

Transcription Services: AI-driven transcription services like Otter.ai can convert your webinar’s audio into text.

Editing Tools: Once transcribed, use editing tools to refine the text into a coherent blog post.

My favourite overall tool for this is Descript you can upload your video, edit it get transcripts, audiograms, social clips and so much more.

Not only does this extend the life of your webinar content, but it also provides valuable information to those who may have missed the live session. This is also great if you have an evergreen passive course – as you can use the blog to direct people to the course a win-win.

 3. Converting Podcasts into Infographics

Podcasts are fantastic for sharing expertise and building a loyal following. However, not everyone has the time to listen to an entire episode. Infographics offer a visually appealing way to present key points from your podcast.

How It Works:

AI Summarisation: Tools like Descript can summarise podcast episodes.

Design Assistance: Platforms such as Canva use AI to suggest design templates tailored to your brand’s aesthetic.

By turning spoken words into visual data, you cater to visual learners and enhance engagement across different mediums.

I love using Descript to create audiograms for my clients, I took a training session from my client’s course and asked Descript to select sections that would be good for promoting the next round of the course then with some light editing adding her branding and colours we had 8 audiograms to use.

4. Adapting Articles into Email Newsletters

As I often remind my clients, building an email list is crucial—unlike social media, where you don’t have full control. With your own subscriber list, you decide what and when to communicate, making email newsletters a powerful tool for staying connected with your audience. However, the pressure to create fresh content for every issue can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination.

If you are not sure what to send to your list here’s one way to find fresh content.

How It Works:

Content Curation: Use AI tools like Curata or Feedly to gather articles related to your niche.

Personal Touch: Incorporate excerpts from your existing articles and add personalised commentary or updates.

This approach ensures that your newsletter is both informative and uniquely yours without requiring hours of new writing.

 5. Recycling Content Across Multiple Platforms

One of the biggest challenges we face is ensuring our message reaches as many people as possible without sounding repetitive, forced or like AI!!

How It Works:

Multi-platform Schedulers: My favourite is Metricool others like Hootsuite or Buffer leverage AI algorithms to optimise posting times and formats across various platforms.

Consistency Checkers: Grammarly Business offers consistency checks in tone and style across different types of content.

By automating these tasks, you ensure that your message remains consistent yet appropriately tailored for each platform’s audience.

Simple Strategies to Get Started

Here’s a summary to inspire you to get started with repurposing.

  1. Identify Core Content: Start with a piece of high-performing content—be it a blog post, webinar, or podcast episode.
  2. Choose Your Platforms: Decide where you’d like this content to appear next (social media, email newsletters, etc.).
  3. Select Appropriate Tools: Depending on your needs, pick suitable AI tools for summarisation, transcription, design assistance, etc.
  4. Monitor Performance: Use analytics tools to track how well your repurposed content performs and adjust accordingly.

Remember, the goal here is not just efficiency but also maintaining quality and relevance across all platforms.

Repurposing doesn’t have to be overwhelming; with the right strategies and tools in place, it becomes an enjoyable part of your workflow rather than another chore on your list. So go ahead—give these methods a try and watch how they transform not just your content but also how you manage your time and energy!

And of course if like my clients you’ve got the content and want someone else to do it for you “then who ya gonna call?”  I shall have to start calling myself the AI Buster…(am I giving away my age here!).

Stay Ahead with Smarter Content Strategies!

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